Portraits and faces tattoo

The portraits tattoo: a high-flying exercise


The tattooing of portraits is one of the most difficult and technically demanding exercise for the tattoo artist, he must, indeed, to propose a representation of the most faithful subject possible. It is aimed at experienced tattoo artists and preferably specialized in the realization of the realistic portrait. Indeed, a realistic tattoo does not support error or approximation.


The tattoo of portraits is first of all an affective step rather than an aesthetic desire, it is often done in homage to a loved or missing person, which is why the portrait tattoo is also one of the most sensitive and demanding for the tattoo artist.

For twenty years, thanks to the infatuation of the tattoo and the development of techniques, achievements of tattoos realistic portraits even hyper-realistic similar to real works of art.


Tatouage portrait
Child portrait tattoo

On which parts of the body ?

The realistic portrait is a very common tattoo but the choice of the part of the body where the portrait tattoo  will be placed is fundamental. It is necessary placed where the skin is the most tense and the most flat possible, as the upper arm or the interior of the forearm, the leg or the back, indeed, the portrait tattoo does not support any deformation. In addition, the dimensions of the portrait must be large enough to treat the subject accurately and to respect every detail of the face.

Tatouage bras
Arm tattoo

The Style of Tattooed Portraits

For the tattoo artist to model and sculpt the model, a photo of the subject chosen is absolutely required, his wife, mother, children …. The work of art made by the tattoo artist must be faithful to the picture provided by the client, it is fundamental that he recognizes the person, realism oblige! But the tattooing of portraits is not necessarily held in the realistic or hyper-realistic style, there is an upsurge of tattoo artists who stand out by adding their own style by the treatment of colors and materials. The portrait tattoo is not only confined to the photographic effect but now finds new artistic expressions, alternatives to realism.

Tatouage Hyper réaliste
Hyper realistic tattoo



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