Tattoo and pain, one does not go without the other
A needle that tears the skin inevitably causes pain. Generally some areas are more painful than others. Areas of the body where the skin is thinner or an area filled with nerve endings will tend to do a lot more harm than other parts of the body.

The least painful areas
A tattoo will inevitably hurt, however, some areas are known to do “less harm” than others. Among them can count the arms, the shoulders, the outside of the thigh, the belly, the buttocks and the calves.

The most painful areas
The pain remains relative to everyone, some will suffer martyrdom during a tattoo while you may not. Some areas cause more pain than others. The hands and the palms, the fingers, the wrists are parts of the body that have a thin layer of skin, a lot of small nerves and small joints, which explains why it hurts more. The elbow is a particular area, according to many tattoo artists it is shared. Some will describe an unbearable pain while others a pain bearable. The spine, ribs, ankles, feet, face, sternum, knees, inner thighs, neck, nape and armpits are either thin skin areas or close to the bones so areas that will cause more pain.
The pain will also depend on your tattoo artist and his hand. It must also be taken into account that, depending on the color of the ink, the pain differs. A black ink will tend to do less harm compared to a color ink. A tattoo with a colored ink requires many passages in order to well inlay the pigments in the skin. To face a tattoo session, the best is to be in good health, to have slept well old and eat well before and especially not to be afraid. Fear makes you tense which adds pain.
